Cougar relocated by Fish & Game from a cherry tree in Chelan, WA

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wine Consumption in Europe - Proportional Circle

This was a project I could tip my wine glass to. Love Wine! I am continuing to gain control of Adobe Illustrator but still lacked several skills to achieve what I wanted on this map. My skills with Excel have also improved allowing me to work quickly through the calculations. Data for Germany was missing from the spreadsheet so I went to the Wine Institute web site. The data didn't match up exactly with what was provided but it was close enough for this type of product. I also discovered the consumption was based on hectoliter (000). I searched on-line for a quick conversion and learned the French drink nearly a billion gallons of wine per year. 

 I used the suggested Europe Lambert Conformal projection.  I selected a color ramp for the countries from ArcMap to go with my red wine theme and only made a few modifications in Ai.  I lost a neat line somewhere within my layers.  I will definately spend more time on organizing layers as suggested.  I am having issues with controlling the area surrounding my map when I export a file.  The white border around my neatline is often uneven.


  1. Great Job!! I love your colors. I have the same problems as you with the neatlines. I haven't figured out how to delete one in ARC once I have created it. Sometimes it won't let me select it....then what? Anyway, just frustrated with that. Good job and way to stay ahead!
