Cougar relocated by Fish & Game from a cherry tree in Chelan, WA

Monday, February 15, 2010

Hispanic Population in Southern Florida

This map was created with Adobe Illustrator.  This was a challenging project to balance the three shapes on the page while placing the emphasis on the chorpleth map of Southern Florida.  My lack of skill with AI is still keeping me from achieving a final product for which I am satisfied.  I am staying positive as I am seeing the possibilites with this program.  I chose complimentary colors for the USA map and highlighted section of the Florida map.  I'm hoping there is no confusion with similar colors used in the legend.

 As I was recoloring the various counties I noticed some white gaps between some of the counties.  I would correct this with topology rules in ArcGIS.  I am not sure the easiest way to fix those in AI.


  1. Looks great! I'd like to add base layer info to mine, but keep forgetting it's not Arc! Sky
