Cougar relocated by Fish & Game from a cherry tree in Chelan, WA

Friday, March 26, 2010

Isohyet Precipitation Map of Georgia

This was overall a fun lab.  I finally figured out the pen, pencil and blob strokes in Ai.  Lots and lots of practice.  My first map had gaps between the polygons.  The only advantage with that approach was the labeling on the polyline is clearly understood.  The labeling on the above map can be misinterpreted for the area above or below the line. 

I decided to color the map to clearly identify the precipitation ranges.  I selected and filled all counties with a color corresponding to the contours.  Then I created a new layer--blobs and went to work trying to color within the lines.  I blobbed over a bunch of county lines and couldn't move the lines above the blobs since the county fill colors would have had hierarchy, so I copied the county outlines and added them into a new layer above blobs.

I had some issues with sizing this map.  The original document seemed to have some oversized boundaries.  I found two extra scale bars lost below the state boundary.  I was able to re-scale the basemap to 150%.  I added a neatline which was clearly visible in Ai but did not show up on the export??  I'm not totally satisfied with my polygoning in the northeast part of the state but overall I think the final output is good.

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