Cougar relocated by Fish & Game from a cherry tree in Chelan, WA

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Marin City Tree Study

The intent of the project was to convince the City of Marin to support the planting and maintenance of trees in areas that would benefit economically and environmentally to qualify for a federal grant under the Small Business Environment Stewardship Assistance Act of 2010.  The city would have to commit to a 25% match of the grant.

In this project I analyzed the land cover for selected neighborhoods within Marin City.  An 1 meter othorographic image was manually classified into 50 different classes of trees, grasses, and impermeable surfaces (buildings, pavement, etc).  The land use layer was then reclassified into 3 classes (trees, grass, impermeable). 

I determined the acreage of each class and the percent of trees for each of 5 neighborhoods.  Using the CITYgreen average mulipliers, I calculated the carbon storage and carbon sequestration rate.

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