I'm actually starting to like Adobe Illustrator;) This is a flow map showing immigration to the U.S. in 2007 by region. I chose to break up the Americas region becuase it accounted for more than 40 percent of the total immigration and it was distributed into 5 sub regions. I experiemented with various projections in ArcMap and finally settled on Mercator. I wanted to color ramp the regions so I added a "region" field in ArcCatalog then classified each country.
I wasn't able to master using the Pen tool in Ai but I found success with the Arc tool. I still can't figure out how to draw text along a path; however, I'm not sure it would have been the best solution to identify the line values. The add arrowhead feature in Ai is slick. I used different percentages for different sized lines to get the look I wanted. I'm definately a happier camper when I first get to control the data in ArcMap and use Ai for special affects and polish.
Thanks for the compliment on my map Lynn!! Actually, I was struggling on how to display the N. Am region, until I saw YOUR map! Thanks for the inspiration!