Cougar relocated by Fish & Game from a cherry tree in Chelan, WA

Monday, February 8, 2010

Florida Keys - Labeled with Adobe Illustrator

The learning curve begins with Adobe Illustrator.  This was a frustrating project because AI is nothing like any program I have ever used.  I prefer a hands on tutorial instead of trying to view a video and use help files. 

This was a difficult area to try to label especially without knowing any of the tricks of AI. I need lead lines for several of the labels to clearly show the area they represent.  I wasn't able to follow the guidance from the book reference placing text within an area and not having it too crowded.  I felt the harbors had to include the labels within the area and didn't want the text size too small.


  1. The idea was to just be able to understand text placement. We are only going to be using a small portion of the program so don't get too frustrated. Your placement was good..the keys could have been labelled on the island itself if you wanted to.

  2. Very good job. Maybe using leader lines would have helped with the labeling.
