Cougar relocated by Fish & Game from a cherry tree in Chelan, WA

Saturday, July 24, 2010

LiDAR - Pensacola Beach, FL

This assisgnment was created in ArcMap instead of ERDAS Imagine so the process was much easier and enjoyable. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

ERDAS Imagine - Orthorectification

Major software crashing problems to get this exercise done. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

ERDAS Imagine - Spectral Bands Basics

This assignment identified natural features by examining spikes in the histogram of multispectral imagery.  I'm still fighting the learning curve of the ERDAS Imagine learning curve.   Repetition is the key.   I created each of these maps three times.  First two because of my error of omission, third because the software decided to rotate my image and cut off my scale bar and bottom text.